I can't believe time goes by so fast and slow. It feels like I have had them with me longer then 30 days, but yet, they are already a month? Slow down girls!
Things I have learned about my girls in the first 30 days of their lives.
Izzy is very curious and likes to look at everything.
Pepper likes to eat.
Izzy falls asleep whenever you put her into her bouncer.
Pepper likes to eat.
Izzy is a morning person, wakes up first and stays up after her morning meal.
Pepper likes to eat.
Izzy learned to sleep for 6 hours through the night.
Pepper did too, as long as she got something to eat.
Izzy loves to have her hands held.
Pepper loves to eat.
Izzy looks up to her big sister.
Her sister is big because she likes to eat.
You get the idea!
It is funny how different but the same they really are. Izzy is so much like her daddy. She eats like him (slow and fighting me the whole time) acts like him (mellow but stubborn) and sleeps like him (she must have her feet out from under the blanket). And Pepper is just like me. She is a total spaz, can't ever get enough to eat, and already is trying to talk too much. They both have their fathers toes, which can tell you what mood they are in (weird, I know). They both love to ride in the car, and they both LOVE their bath. They could sit in that bath tub for hours!
They are the same in so many ways but completely different.
Happy one month old birthday, girls! Can't wait to see what comes next!
(as I write this they are actually two months old, mommy just fell behind in blogging)
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