Thursday, February 3, 2011

It is a girl, and another girl!

The morning started like any other. I woke up, upset that the morning had come too fast and that the night was not long or restful enough. I got ready for work, telling myself "don't worry too much about doing your hair today. Your pregnant and tired. It's not a big deal." I feel like I tell myself that everyday now. About the time I was putting on eye liner it hit me. I felt sick to my stomach with worry. Today was Monday! The day that I have been counting down for the last four weeks. The day of my 18 week ultrasound appointment. The day I am going to find out if I am having boys, girls, or one of each. The ultrasound that most problems are found. The point of my pregnancy where everything changes. I could my hear and feel my heart beat faster and harder. I just had to make it to 1:00pm today at work and then off the doctor. I could do that. Maybe?

Work was hard. I felt worried all morning. I couldn't eat, which made me sick and light headed. I ate an orange, which I didn't keep down. I ate some crackers which got stuck in my throat. Everyone was telling me not to worry. Everything was going to be ok. But I still worried. What if there is a problem? What if they are not healthy. What if one is bigger then the other (which happens with twins, a lot, and will be a big problem) What if? Finally it was 1:00 and I could go. Again, my heart started beating even harder. My chest was really starting to hurt.

Cory and I met my Mom at the Obgyn. They told me my blood pressure was high, which I told them was because I was so nervous. I could not stop worrying about my babies. When the doctor came in I was already on the table and ready to get this going. I can't remember what questions he was asking me and I didn't care. I'll I wanted to hear was "they look healthy".

"Do you want to know the sex?"
"Yes, Please!"

One at a time he focused on each baby. "Looks like this one is a girl" He stopped the ultrasound to show us what he looked for that made that baby a girl (because we don't know!) That's great I thought, can we move to the next one now! "and looks like this one is a girl too"

Two girls, I was happy. Believe me, I was, but all I wanted to hear was that they were healthy. At that point he hadn't say those words so I started probing. "Do they look ok? Are they the right size? Do you see any thing bad?"

"Everything looks good"

I felt all my worry and sickness leave me. I felt so much better. I finally felt like I woke up and could start that day. I felt the feeling return to my body, and oh my, I needed to pee. Wait, did he say Two Girls?

I am having two girls?


  1. I'm so glad they look good! That is always a big sigh of relief. And girls, yay! Is he still unsure if they are identical?

  2. He said his guess is identical, but at this point we will not know for sure until after they get here and they can pull apart the membrain.
