Thursday, January 20, 2011

16 weeks!

It's been a while since my last post and so much has happened since that time. I think the last time I blogged was right before I hit 13 weeks. I did at that time take a picture of my belly. It is the first and last time I will be showing the world my belly uncovered. (You know, before I started looking like a big fat pregnant women) At that time I just had a cute baby bump.

See how cute! (Ok world that's all you get for the uncovered skin.)

A few days after that Cory and I went to my Obgyn and got our next ultrasound. Both the twins are doing great and are healthy and happy. Great news for a worried mom.

I know they are hard to see, but if you can make it out, this is Baby B. That day Baby B was far back in my uterus so it's even harder to make out. Baby B's head can be seen facing left. Above the head again to the left is Baby A. It just looks like a circle.

This is Baby A and he/she was much easier to see. You can see the head and the body. If you look at the head you can see the eye, the nose, the mouth, and the ear. Down where the legs end Baby A is pushing his/her legs into the placenta. It is that clump of material that is being pushed up against the uterus wall. At this point the doctor only sees one placenta, but he did say that it could be two placentas pushed up together. So still no answer to wheather they are identical or fraternal.

Baby A on the bottom (you can see the hand) Baby B on top (and yes that is his/her butt)

Which leads us to today. Today I am 16 weeks! Yeah!

Belly finally sticks out farther then the boobs, and now I finally look pregnant not just fat.

We are supposed to find out what the sexes are in a week and a half. So everyone give me their guesses now. I can't wait!!!


  1. That still look identical to me. One circle, 2 babies. I guess 2 boys.

  2. I will be shocked if these aren't identical twin girls, based on these pictures. I am of course not an expert, so do with that what you wish:) So excited for you guys!
