Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I know that it is almost two weeks after Christmas and I should have blogged about this a long time ago but, well, I'm pregnant! I not feeling good all the time, and when I get home all I want to do is sleep. So, better late than never.

This Christmas was the best and worst Christmas of my life. Confused? Let me explain . . .
First of all, Cory and I woke up early in the morning to go over to Cory's mom's house for their gift exchange and Christmas breakfast. While I was getting ready my face and the toilet met a couple of times. Not a big deal, that happens.
When we got there the food looked great, it smelled great, and there was so much of it! I however could only eat a beagle because my stomach was acting up again. Cory's mom's toilet and I met a couple times too. The gift exchange was so great. The presents this year were so sweet and funny. We laughed until we cried a lot! Before we left, I went to say good bye to the bathroom one more time.
When we got to my mom's house everyone was up and waiting for us. This year the presents were smaller but so much more meaningful. Every gift was bought with that person in mind and we tried to stay away from cash or gift cads. It was so enjoyable to watch everyone open a gift instead of money. I loved it.
This is what Cory and I got!

OK, so it was not all we got, but in almost everything we opened there was some kind of baby thing in there with it. As we opened more presents we would say, "I wonder what it is? Could it be diapers?" I loved it. I worry all the time that we are not going to have enough of everything we need by the time the babies come. We have nothing because we have never had a baby before and now we need two of everything. So, getting this kind of stuff was great.
Toward the end I started not feeling well again, and so I had a short meeting with my mom's toilet too.
Cory did have a big surprise for me. He got me a diamond necklace. I had no clue he had got this for me either.

He said it was going to be the last real Christmas we were going to have with just each other so he wanted to get me something nice.
We then left my mom's house and came home. I spent much of the rest of the day either in the bathroom or in bed, but the day was great. I felt so loved by all my family and my husband. I can't wait until next year when I will have two little 6 month old babies crawling around everywhere enjoying this amazing holiday with us.
Best Christmas ever! Until next year!

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