Thursday, October 14, 2010

That Darn Cat!

I really love my job. I am not being sarcastic either. I really, really enjoy my job. I get to play with cats and dogs all day. How could that not be fun? The answer . . . . . when they do not want to play back.

That is a cat bite on my arm. Today I met a cat that really did not want to be held. It really does not look that bad either. The cat really could have ripped my skin off but he didn't, just a nice little bite. The problem with all of this is the cat was a stray cat that ended up testing positive for a disease. Now we have a hole different set of problems!

Down to urgent care I went. They had to clean everything out with sterile water, which stung worse then when I got bit. They took an x-ray to make sure that there was not little pieces of cat teeth still in my arm, and gave me antibiotics to help fight off any infection that the dirty cat mouth might have given to me.

Now I am just waiting to hear back from the county to see if the the cat has rabies. So if I start foaming at the mouth and going crazy, now I have a valid excuse for acting the way I do.

That Darn Cat!

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