Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Young Women

Four weeks ago I was released from my calling with my church. Over the past four weeks I have had a very hard time coming to terms with this because I loved my calling and working with the people that I worked with. I was in the Young Womens, which means that I worked with the 12-18 year old girls in my church. We had lessons on Sundays and weekly activites on Wednesdays. I only had the chance to do this for about one year, and I loved it, more than can be told through words. I can not stop missing "my girls". I know that all the changes that have been made are all for the right people and that the new women that are in there now will do a great job. I know that, but I hate not being in there with them. I hate my empty wednesday nights.

Last Sunday I went to the "adult womens" class, and as I sat there (in the back corner of the class) I started crying. It's just not the same. The lesson was great. The Spirit was there. I felt loved but at the same time I was missing the biggest piece of my Sunday . . . .my girls.

I am so thankful for the time that I got to spend with my young women. I learned so much and I hope that in the furture I will be able to find my way back into the young womens program. I love each and every one of my girls. I hope that in some small way I was able to touch their hearts and that they will be able to take the things I have taught them and remember them, use them, and grow from them.

I love you girls,
Sis. Whittaker

1 comment:

  1. Don't worry, I am sure you will get a chance to serve there again!! I am always mad when they take me out of YW and make me go to RS but then after awhile I am enjoying the heck out of RS then I am mad they make me go back to YW. I am hard to please! Although my heart is ALWAYS with my Young Women!

    Love ya!
