Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Food Cravings

I don't understand it myself, but, wow, we women who are having babies have some of the weirdest food cravings. These four items I can eat at anytime : Ramon, Cheetos, Peanut Butter, and my fav, Gummy Snacks!!!
Most of my cravings are weird for me because I don't normally like it. Example: ketchup. I have not liked ketchup since I was seven years old and learned what french fries taste like in ranch. I hate ketchup!, and now . . . . . well, I think I have already eaten a whole bottle of it.
Anytime Cory asks me what I want for dinner and I have a craving that I tell him, he looks at me with one eye raised, and says "Where did that come from?" My response is always the same: "Da babies"
Right now at this very moment chips and salsa, and peppermint gum(I know that not food) sound like heaven. I think that maybe I have such weird combos because each baby is sending a different craving. Maybe that is just normal. What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Haha! If each baby has a different "taste" then you'll really get some strange combos! Good luck with it all! :-)
