Sunday, May 20, 2012

Ten months

Look who is ten months!
When they turned ten months it really hit me that they are going to be turning a year in just two months. I can't believe this time has flown by so fast. I have really loved these last two months. Being a mom to twins has finally really become fun. They are turning into toddlers which is both exciting and terrifying.

Oh, my funny Pep! She really is a hoot. Lately she has been blowing raspberries like crazy and if you start first she will mimic you. It is really funny when she starts during a prayer or when everything is really quiet. She has also started to sing. Whenever we are in a large group and we sing happy birthday or at church and we sing a hymn she will start making little sing song noises. Even after the song is done she will just continue to "la la la" to herself.
Her favorite thing is still to eat and she is big on the feeding herself. So I have started to give them "real" food. I call it human food and then Cory always points out that baby food is also human food. "Babies are small humans" Thanks Honey! I think her favorite is hot dogs. I have to give her small bites one at a time or she will put five in her mouth all at the same time! Crazy girl! 

Izzy is my little "get-into-er". I will get her out of her crib and set her down on the floor and she is off. Most days she heads straight to mom and dad's room to get into all the dresser drawers. She loves to pull every piece of clothing we have out and then she moves onto the next one. For the most part I just let her do it. First of all, I know she is just learning and exploring. I want her to feel like she can play with things and try things out (as long as they are safe) so she grows up thinking learning is fun. And for another thing, if I try to stop her or put the clothes back into the drawers, she will just keep trying to pull it all out again. Why fight the cuteness?
Izzy has also learned to really love eating and for the most part she will eat anything I give her. However, she loves to be fed, not feed herself. She is the princess. "Please spoon that hot dog into my mouth. My hands are much to delicate to lift." Oh, I love her and her silliness.

I am so lucky to have some of the cutest little girls. They are happy and bring so much love and joy to our life's.

Plus . . . . 

they make me laugh!

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