Sunday, February 3, 2013

What's for Dinner?

Lately I have been on a role with cooking dinner for my family. I am lucky to be able to stay home and lucky that the girls will let me (sometimes help me) put dinner together every night. I have found that the better I am at planning out what is for dinner the better I am about making it.
So every Sunday I sit down and make a list of dinner ideas, put together my list: One for Costco, one for the farmers market, and one for Walmart, and on Monday I head out in the morning and run all my errands.
Today as I sat down to make my list of dinners I remembered a pin that I pinned on Pintrest the other day of this cute weekly board that you could post what was for dinner. The cards could be rotated and it had the days of the week on it.


See how super cute!

Now if your like me, you go onto pintrest and pin a bunch of things with great intentions of doing them, but you never get to them. Either you don't have the time, the money, or the energy. And like me, your pins just sit there, being all cute. (if you happen to be one of those people that are so on top of your pins, Get lost! This blog is not for you!) But today, . . . . . 


Mine is not as cute as the other, and was made from things I had laying around the house, but it serves the same purpose as the other and has the one thing I loved from the first idea. Reusable, rotating cards!

I put it up next to my fridge (not sure if I like it there or not) so that I could see it whenever you went into the kitchen. I am hoping that this will keep me on track with my dinner plans and as I learn to make more and more dinners, hopefully having the rotating cards will make for a better menu with different things to eat.
Can't wait to get started cooking. I better go see what is for dinner tomorrow. See ya.

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