Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A day in the life of Pepper and Izzy

Random pictures are sometimes my favorite, but somehow I wanted to put them together so I could look at them with some rhyme or reason to them. So this is a typical day in the life of Pepper and Izzy.

We start our day waking up around 5 or 6 in the morning. (I know, Mom is soooo lucky!)
And yes, we like to sleep with our hands up above our heads. Sometimes mom comes in and we have our hands covering our ears. It is so cute.

After mom feeds us, we have our first round of tummy time.

Mom can't get over how much we look like each other sometimes.

After tummy time mom wants to run errands before it gets too hot, so she gets us all ready . . .

and puts us in our car seats. Mom took this picture because we kept watching her walking around us. Mommy would walk to the right and both of us would turn our heads together following her, then she would walk to the left and both of us would again turn our heads. I'm sure it's cute with one baby, but mom thinks it's cuter with two!

After our errands and another feeding we take a nap together. We love to hold hands. Mommy hopes that we never stop.

In the afternoon sit in our bumbos and sometimes watch TV.

We also practice planking (LOL)

On special days we get to go over to grandpa's house. He has a garden outside and we love to spend time out there with him.

We look around at all the plants and trees. Grandpa will spend hours out here with us if we wanted to.

He also will do tummy time with us. (I think we all fell asleep together this time)

Sometimes after a long day of fun we fall asleep.

Mom and Dad are never far away to take pictures of us when we look ridiculous.

In the evening we have bath time before we go to bed.

We LOVE bath time! In fact mom could probably wash us for an hour and we would not complain one bit.

After bath time we have family time. We read books and spend time with Daddy. We sit and talk. We laugh and make faces. It is one of the best times of the day. And of course, . . .

we hold hands as we fall asleep for the night.

Thanks for taking time out to walk through a day in our lives with us. Have a great day!

1 comment:

  1. Oh man, more more more. I love it. So cute picture of pepper smiling at the end. So So cute!
